Over time, your negatives may get dirt and other build-up on them. You should clean the negatives so that any copied pictures or scans come out spot-free.
- 1
Prepare a simple solution of photo-flo and distilled water between 65 and 70 degrees F. Regular tap water might be too hard and leave a build-up or spots. Although the directions on the phot-flo bottle will recommend a dilution of 1:200, you will be just fine using a dilution of 1:2000.
2Simply dip the negative in the solution and let it set for about five minutes.
3Remove the negative from the photo-flo solution and hang the negative to dry in a warm and dust-free environment. You might want to put a weight on the bottom of the negative to ensure the negative remains straight.
4Let the negative dry and scan or copy it.
Over time, your negatives may get dirt and other build-up on them. You should clean the negatives so that any copied pictures or scans come out spot-free.
- 1
Prepare a simple solution of photo-flo and distilled water between 65 and 70 degrees F. Regular tap water might be too hard and leave a build-up or spots. Although the directions on the phot-flo bottle will recommend a dilution of 1:200, you will be just fine using a dilution of 1:2000.
2Simply dip the negative in the solution and let it set for about five minutes.
3Remove the negative from the photo-flo solution and hang the negative to dry in a warm and dust-free environment.
Enhance your photography skill,The Top Secret Photography Techniques
. You might want to put a weight on the bottom of the negative to ensure the negative remains straight. 4Let the negative dry and scan or copy it.
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