Thursday, July 26, 2018

How to Learn to Photograph Squirrels

How to Learn to Photograph Squirrels

Have squirrels become friendly in your backyard or campsite? It's not uncommon for urban squirrels to share a sidewalk or picnic table with their human neighbors. Photographing squirrels is simple with a few key pieces of camera equipment and a lot of patience. The fast and furry creatures are curious of humans and will often stop for a quick peek at your camera while trying to photograph them.




    Choose the location. Pick an area to photograph squirrels where you have seen them many times. This may be as simple as stepping into the backyard or driving to a local park where guests often feed the squirrels. Look for an area with tall sturdy trees, fences or bird feeders. Go during daylight hours and be prepared to wait.


    Prepare the camera for wildlife photography. Attach a long zoom lens to a SLR camera. Choose a lens with a minimum zoom of 200mm. Because squirrels are flighty, you won't be able to get physically close to them without disturbing their behavior. Use a 70-200mm zoom lens for the ability to recompose quickly if the squirrel moves closer to the camera.


    Load the camera with medium- to high-speed daylight balanced film, such as 400 ASA or 800 ASA. Set the ISO setting on a digital camera to 400 or 800.


    Set the camera on shutter priority mode and choose a fast enough shutter speed to capture the squirrel's movements. Start at 1/500 for sharp photographs. If the light is dim, experiment with a slower shutter speed setting and increase the film speed for a focused and balanced exposure.


    Use a tripod to steady the camera. Weight the legs of the tripod if it is a windy day. Use a cable release if it is a film camera, to avoid motion blur when pressing the shutter button. Set the legs of the tripod at a low angle, not your height. Squirrels are on the ground as much as they are in trees. Don't forget to get on their level for a clear angle.


    Bait the squirrels. Bring a bag of nuts, bread, corn on the cob or apples. Entice the squirrels by placing some treats at the base of a tree. Wait for them to come down and snap away.

How to Learn to Photograph Squirrels

Have squirrels become friendly in your backyard or campsite? It's not uncommon for urban squirrels to share a sidewalk or picnic table with their human neighbors. Photographing squirrels is simple with a few key pieces of camera equipment and a lot of patience. The fast and furry creatures are curious of humans and will often stop for a quick peek at your camera while trying to photograph them.




    Choose the location. Pick an area to photograph squirrels where you have seen them many times. This may be as simple as stepping into the backyard or driving to a local park where guests often feed the squirrels. Look for an area with tall sturdy trees, fences or bird feeders. Go during daylight hours and be prepared to wait.


    Prepare the camera for wildlife photography. Attach a long zoom lens to a SLR camera. Choose a lens with a minimum zoom of 200mm. Because squirrels are flighty, you won't be able to get physically close to them without disturbing their behavior. Use a 70-200mm zoom lens for the ability to recompose quickly if the squirrel moves closer to the camera.


    Load the camera with medium- to high-speed daylight balanced film, such as 400 ASA or 800 ASA. Set the ISO setting on a digital camera to 400 or 800.


    Set the camera on shutter priority mode and choose a fast enough shutter speed to capture the squirrel's movements. Start at 1/500 for sharp photographs.

    Enhance your photography skill,The Top Secret Photography Techniques

    . If the light is dim, experiment with a slower shutter speed setting and increase the film speed for a focused and balanced exposure.


    Use a tripod to steady the camera. Weight the legs of the tripod if it is a windy day. Use a cable release if it is a film camera, to avoid motion blur when pressing the shutter button. Set the legs of the tripod at a low angle, not your height. Squirrels are on the ground as much as they are in trees. Don't forget to get on their level for a clear angle.


    Bait the squirrels. Bring a bag of nuts, bread, corn on the cob or apples. Entice the squirrels by placing some treats at the base of a tree. Wait for them to come down and snap away.

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