Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How to Photograph Fencing

How to Photograph Fencing

Photographing a fencing match is challenging work and requires some knowledge of photography. You'll also need a quality "fast" digital SLR-style camera. Small, compact cameras don't have the speed or range needed to capture fast-moving images. Shooting fencing, and any sport, takes practice. There are many obstacles, such as poor lighting, bad background and referees getting in your way. Learn from each fencing event so your photography improves.



    Select camera equipment are comfortable with and that allows you to do your work. Use a Digital SLR camera with a fast lens, a wide aperture and lens long enough to focus closely on the fencers.


    Position yourself as close to the match as possible. Choose a location where your view will be as unobstructed as possible. Relocate when shooting if something gets in your way. Avoid shooting from below the fencers.


    Set your camera settings so you have the highest ISO. Turn off your flash; it distracts the fencers and isn't allowed in most events. Put your camera on aperture-priority mode, and set your aperture on the widest setting -- lowest number, for example f-stop 4. If you use manual mode, adjust your shutter speed to as fast as the lighting conditions allow.


    Compose your shots so they are as tight as possible while still capturing the action. This removes as much of the busy background as possible. Most fencing matches have an audience in the background or something else distracting. Frame each shot to eliminate as much of this as possible.


    Take a lot of pictures. Use the biggest memory card you have, and bring several extras with you. Photographing fencing is challenging work, so the more pictures you take, the more likely you'll have plenty of usable images. Shoot different compositions, and follow the fencers' faces. Focus on their faces while shooting.

How to Photograph Fencing

Photographing a fencing match is challenging work and requires some knowledge of photography. You'll also need a quality "fast" digital SLR-style camera. Small, compact cameras don't have the speed or range needed to capture fast-moving images. Shooting fencing, and any sport, takes practice. There are many obstacles, such as poor lighting, bad background and referees getting in your way. Learn from each fencing event so your photography improves.



    Select camera equipment are comfortable with and that allows you to do your work. Use a Digital SLR camera with a fast lens, a wide aperture and lens long enough to focus closely on the fencers.


    Position yourself as close to the match as possible. Choose a location where your view will be as unobstructed as possible. Relocate when shooting if something gets in your way. Avoid shooting from below the fencers.


    Set your camera settings so you have the highest ISO. Turn off your flash; it distracts the fencers and isn't allowed in most events. Put your camera on aperture-priority mode, and set your aperture on the widest setting -- lowest number, for example f-stop 4. If you use manual mode, adjust your shutter speed to as fast as the lighting conditions allow.


    Compose your shots so they are as tight as possible while still capturing the action. This removes as much of the busy background as possible. Most fencing matches have an audience in the background or something else distracting. Frame each shot to eliminate as much of this as possible.


    Take a lot of pictures. Use the biggest memory card you have, and bring several extras with you. Photographing fencing is challenging work, so the more pictures you take, the more likely you'll have plenty of usable images. Shoot different compositions, and follow the fencers' faces. Focus on their faces while shooting.

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