Sunday, July 2, 2017

How to Edit a Photo With Glare

How to Edit a Photo With Glare

You don't have to toss photos with imperfections like glare; you can get rid of these "hot spots" by using photo-editing software. Editing unwanted glare can be done by changing the image's dark and light areas within software such as Photoshop. You can also use other photo-editing software tools that allow you to brightening dark images, increase the contrast and adjust the colors.



    Open the photo in your photo-editing software by opening your software program, clicking on "Edit and Organize," clicking "Open," and then clicking on the image you want to edit. This puts your image on your editing workspace. (These instructions are for Photoshop, but will be similar in other photo-editing programs.)


    Create an adjustment layer by going to the "Layer" menu and selecting "New Adjustment Layer." A "New Layer" window will come up where you can name your layer in the box labeled "Name," and then click on "OK." Creating an adjustment layer allows you to make adjustments one at a time and see each adjustment. You can easily delete a layer with a change you don't like without having to delete all the changes you've made to the image.


    Try making an automatic adjustment to your photo to get rid of the glare. In the "Adjustments" window, click "Auto." The software will automatically make adjustments for unsatisfactory levels it detects in the image, which may be enough to edit out any glare. If you want to undo the changes, go to "Custom," then select "Default." Save your image when you're happy with the adjustments.


    Make custom adjustments in the tonal range of your image. Find the highlights slider by clicking on "Image," then "Adjustments." You'll see "Levels" under "Adjustments" and the box will say "Custom." The dark triangles are shadows, white triangles are highlights, and the grey triangles are mid-tones. Make sure "Preview" is on so you can see the changes in the image's tone as you make them, then slowly drag the highlights slider to the left. Save the image once you're happy with the adjustments you've made.


    Adjust the contrast, or the light and dark areas of your image, by clicking "Image," then "Adjust" and then "Auto Contrast." Make sure "Preview" is on and save your changes once you've made the adjustments you like.


    Correct imbalances of color to get rid of a glare. Move your mouse to the upper left of the screen and click on "Layer," then "New Adjustment Layer" and then "Color Balance." Make sure "Preview" is on, and then drag the sliders and click "OK" once the image is to your liking in the preview screen.

How to Edit a Photo With Glare

You don't have to toss photos with imperfections like glare; you can get rid of these "hot spots" by using photo-editing software. Editing unwanted glare can be done by changing the image's dark and light areas within software such as Photoshop. You can also use other photo-editing software tools that allow you to brightening dark images, increase the contrast and adjust the colors.



    Open the photo in your photo-editing software by opening your software program, clicking on "Edit and Organize," clicking "Open," and then clicking on the image you want to edit. This puts your image on your editing workspace. (These instructions are for Photoshop, but will be similar in other photo-editing programs.)


    Create an adjustment layer by going to the "Layer" menu and selecting "New Adjustment Layer." A "New Layer" window will come up where you can name your layer in the box labeled "Name," and then click on "OK." Creating an adjustment layer allows you to make adjustments one at a time and see each adjustment. You can easily delete a layer with a change you don't like without having to delete all the changes you've made to the image.


    Try making an automatic adjustment to your photo to get rid of the glare. In the "Adjustments" window, click "Auto." The software will automatically make adjustments for unsatisfactory levels it detects in the image, which may be enough to edit out any glare. If you want to undo the changes, go to "Custom," then select "Default." Save your image when you're happy with the adjustments.


    Make custom adjustments in the tonal range of your image. Find the highlights slider by clicking on "Image," then "Adjustments." You'll see "Levels" under "Adjustments" and the box will say "Custom." The dark triangles are shadows, white triangles are highlights, and the grey triangles are mid-tones. Make sure "Preview" is on so you can see the changes in the image's tone as you make them, then slowly drag the highlights slider to the left. Save the image once you're happy with the adjustments you've made.


    Adjust the contrast, or the light and dark areas of your image, by clicking "Image," then "Adjust" and then "Auto Contrast." Make sure "Preview" is on and save your changes once you've made the adjustments you like.


    Correct imbalances of color to get rid of a glare. Move your mouse to the upper left of the screen and click on "Layer," then "New Adjustment Layer" and then "Color Balance." Make sure "Preview" is on, and then drag the sliders and click "OK" once the image is to your liking in the preview screen.

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