Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How to Process Efke Infrared Film

How to Process Efke Infrared Film

Working with infrared film provides a dramatic vision of the world. Basic film processing of infrared black & white film is no different than processing regular black & white film. The major difference with infrared film involves filtration and exposure to a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum.



    Remove the film from its canister in a darkroom or film change bag and load it onto the film reel. Place it into the film developing tank and place the funnel light/chemistry spout seal securely onto the top of the tank.


    Set up your processing chemistry, graduate cylinders and stir stick in a neat, organized manner on a sturdy surface that is easy to clean and clear of any objects and near a large deep sink such as a laundry sink.


    Follow the film manufacturer's processing suggestions that came with the film either as a paper insert in the film box or printed on the inside of the box. Process your film at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Run cold and hot water, using a thermometer to measure the temperature. When it is at 68 degrees, mix your processing chemicals.


    Attach one end of a wash hose to the faucet and stick the other end into the inverted chimmey spout in the developing tank. Run water through the tank as a pre-soak for one to two minutes. This softens the emulsion, removes any dyes and prevents air bubbles from forming on the film.


    Pour water out from the pre-soak. Set the timer to the manufacturer's suggested time for 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour in the developer and start the timer. Invert the film tank twice every 30 seconds during the development process.
    During the last 15 seconds of development, begin draining the used developer into an empty storage bottle.


    Pour in the stop bath and invert the tank continuously for one minute. Pour the used stop bath out and run water through the tank to wash away the chemistry for one minute, then pour out the water.


    Pour in fresh fixer. Fix the film for between 4 and 7 minutes. Invert the sealed tank twice every 30 seconds as you did in the development step. Pour the used fixer into an empty storage bottle.


    Wash the film for 10 minutes in running water by connecting the hose from the faucet to the tank as you did in the pre-soak step. The temperature of the water should be close to that of the development temperature.

How to Process Efke Infrared Film

Working with infrared film provides a dramatic vision of the world. Basic film processing of infrared black & white film is no different than processing regular black & white film. The major difference with infrared film involves filtration and exposure to a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum.



    Remove the film from its canister in a darkroom or film change bag and load it onto the film reel. Place it into the film developing tank and place the funnel light/chemistry spout seal securely onto the top of the tank.


    Set up your processing chemistry, graduate cylinders and stir stick in a neat, organized manner on a sturdy surface that is easy to clean and clear of any objects and near a large deep sink such as a laundry sink.


    Follow the film manufacturer's processing suggestions that came with the film either as a paper insert in the film box or printed on the inside of the box. Process your film at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Run cold and hot water, using a thermometer to measure the temperature. When it is at 68 degrees, mix your processing chemicals.


    Attach one end of a wash hose to the faucet and stick the other end into the inverted chimmey spout in the developing tank. Run water through the tank as a pre-soak for one to two minutes.

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    . This softens the emulsion, removes any dyes and prevents air bubbles from forming on the film.


    Pour water out from the pre-soak. Set the timer to the manufacturer's suggested time for 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour in the developer and start the timer. Invert the film tank twice every 30 seconds during the development process.
    During the last 15 seconds of development, begin draining the used developer into an empty storage bottle.


    Pour in the stop bath and invert the tank continuously for one minute. Pour the used stop bath out and run water through the tank to wash away the chemistry for one minute, then pour out the water.


    Pour in fresh fixer. Fix the film for between 4 and 7 minutes. Invert the sealed tank twice every 30 seconds as you did in the development step. Pour the used fixer into an empty storage bottle.


    Wash the film for 10 minutes in running water by connecting the hose from the faucet to the tank as you did in the pre-soak step. The temperature of the water should be close to that of the development temperature.

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